CPS Kicks off an AMAZING YEAR Convocation
The 2023-2024 school year officially began this morning with District Convocation. The event was hosted by the FFA Chapter of Chickasha High School. The chapter advisors are Kolby and Emily Schmidt. CHS Chapter Officers, Reese Wilkins and Zachary Kopec, were the Masters of Ceremonies for today. The Star-Spangled Banner was beautifully performed by Steppin' Out, under the direction of Gena Conder. All District staff were present along with members of the School Board,(Robyn Morse, Laurie Allen, Cara Gerdes, Zack McGill and Christy Clift), Mayor Chris Mosley, Senator Lonnie Paxton, Representatives Brad Boles and Dick Lowe. Chickasha Schools Foundation was represented by Gab Atwell who welcomed the staff back for another great year. The Teacher of the Year, Allison Cofer, addressed her peers. Mrs. Cofer reminisced about the impact the staff made on her as a student and she encouraged us all to continue to make valuable deposits with our students today. Clara Duncan, a 2023 CHS graduate and now a State FFA Officer also welcomed the group and thanked them for the role they played in her education.
Cluck Norris was won by Lincoln Elementary and can be found there ALL year. Congratulations, Lincoln! Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Stegman introduced our guest speaker, Dr. April Grace. Dr. Grace, a long-time educator and administrator, complimented CPS on our commitment to education and encouraged us to remain focused on educating children.
Our students were represented through FFA, Pom, Cheer and the Pride. Superintendent Rick Croslin has labeled this "AN AMAZING YEAR for C.P.S." We are off to an Amazing Start! Welcome Back Fightin' Chick Staff! You are truly amazing!!!!