Pictures of Bond Projects
The Restoring Excellence Bond is for $2.7 million that includes projects for each school site in Chickasha Public Schools (CPS). This is the first bond issue that CPS has proposed in over (10) years. The projects for proposition #1:
- Bill Wallace Early Childhood Center projects include improvements to sidewalks, paving of parking lots, window replacement, and masonry work.
- Grand Avenue Elementary projects include restroom upgrades, masonry work, building accessibility improvements, and drainage improvements.
- Lincoln Elementary projects include plumbing improvements, site drainage improvements, basement upgrades, and masonry work.
- Chickasha Middle School projects include auditorium entrance renovation, paving improvements, and masonry work.
- Chickasha High School projects include signage improvements, sidewalk and concrete upgrades, building accessibility upgrades, and improvements to building facade.
- CHS Activity Center projects include drainage improvements, sidewalk and concrete upgrades, building accessibility upgrades, and improvements to building facade.
- Myers Field House project will focus on improving the drainage at applicable entrances.
- Memorial Stadium projects will focus on improving concreated areas.
- All remaining proceeds will be utilized for the purpose of aquiring school furniture, fixtures, and equipment, and management, support contracts and bond issuance costs.
The pictures below represent areas that our projects for the Restoring Excellence Bond will restore to excellence: